Sunday, January 3, 2010

2010 and Me

I have been giving the New Year's Resolutions thing a lot of thought lately.  I've never been into them, because I feel like I am just setting myself up for failure.  Plus, I am a HUGE procrastinater, so I would probably just wait until December and then try to cram as much as I can into the already busiest month of the year.  I do however, like the idea of giving myself some attainable - and very specific - goals. 

Sewing Related Goal - Take at least 3 sewing / quilting classes in 2010.  I'm signed up for my first one already!  A machine quilting class in February.  I really want to fine tune some skills so I can eventually make more professional products.

Community Related Goal - Open a table at the Pendleton Farmers Market this spring/summer selling SOMETHING.  I am thinking crayon rolls, belts, cutesy kitchen linen sets, stuff like that.  Oh, and Taylor wants to sell her tomatoes as well.  :)  My girl is awesome at growing tomatoes. 
  ***** Hey crafty friends!  If anyone wants to do a table with me, let me know! *****

Behavioral Goal - I need to work on yelling less.  At the dog, the kids, the hubby, the idiot driving in front of me... just yelling in general.  I do it way too often and am seeing it come out in my kids. 

Family Goal - We have never had a family portrait taken.  Not even the kind at Sears.  I want to have some great pics taken in the late summer / early fall to do as Christmas presents for our parents. 
   *** Hey Angel... can you help us with this one? The photos on your blog are great! ***

So there it is folks.  My 2010 goals.  I have lots more in my head, but I am a total list maker.  Which means if I start listing them all the list will grow over 50 of them.  Then I'll get overwhelmed, down an entire 2 liter of Coke and never accomplish a single one of them.  So I am going to use amazing restraint and keep it simple.  For now. 


  1. Your goals are perfect and most importantly you have a plan to accomplish them! That is wonderful. I would LOVE to take your family portrait! Let's wait until it is not 18 degrees outside and we will do it:)
    That will be so much fun!!

  2. Please don't scare the locals with your community goal.

    Your family's eardrums will greatly appreciate your behavioral goal.

    AND I would love to do my best Zoolander pose in a family portrait.


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