Saturday, August 28, 2010

Robot Messenger Bag

TJ had a backpack dilemma this year.  He had to have a backpack that would hold a folder, but it also had to be small enough that he could handle it.  A standard backpack is still way too big and his toddler sized backpack crushes folders.  Ideally, I would have ordered him a backpack from LL Bean, but I procrastinated.  And to be honest, I really didn't want to spend the money on top of all of the other school supplies I already had to buy. 

The solution:  a messenger bag. 

I used the toddler messenger bag pattern from the book One Yard Wonders.  I love this book so much!  I have already completed a few patterns from it and find it to be the perfect book for when I get the urge to sew and need something fast. 

One Yard Wonders
TJ wanted a robot on his bag, so this is what we came up with...

And it holds a folder perfectly! 

I used fusible web to applique the pieces and did some simple stitching around. 

A handy little pocket inside


  1. That is such a cute little bag! I think I'm going to have to find me one of those books :)


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